Fooling Around Jiang Hu – 江湖悲劇

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February 17, 2017
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Description: A comedy about the underworld that started with an internet program ‘Crazy Jiang Hu’ hosted by King (played by Bob) about the love and hatred among gangsters and he funny anecdotes of big gangster bosses. The program is immensely popular and well lover by the listeners, becoming a hot gossip topic.Underworld godfather Kim (played byAlan Tam) is friendly and sociable, nicknamed Egg Tart, likes signing more than being the big boss. He always maintains the principle of peace, harmony and stability which has won the support of the gang elders. The cool and handsome no. 2 guy, Lung (played by Jordan Chan) became a gangster becausehe loves the image of gangsters in the Young and Dangerous movies. He believes that he has what it takes to be the big boss. To support Lung, his wife (played by Christine Ng) sets a trap to seduce Kim….

Other name: 江湖喜劇
Movies 2016 Genre(s): Crime
Status: Completed Country: Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese Subtitle: Chinese

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