Food For Life – Yummy Yummy

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June 14, 2017
The Hitman Chronicles - 大刺客
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Description: After meeting on game show called Yummy Yummy, five contestants keep in touch and become friends. They face with a number of challenges as they attempt to open a restaurant together, but in the end their friendships persevere. Daniel Yau (Raymond Lam Fung) is the only son of a wealthy restaurant owner. Chan Ka Lok (Kevin Cheng Ka Wing) is a poor, but nice boy who works at his family’s shop that sells chickens. Mandy Chow (Charmaine Sheh Shi Man) is an orphan who learned to be independent after her parents were divorced and her mother died. Yan Chow (Tavia Yeung Yi) is the younger sister of Mandy and loves to eat dried foods, especially dried lemons. Mandy and Yan did not know they were sisters until they became good friends. Terry Ng (Ben Yeo Chee Long) lives in Singapore with his bossy mother and quiet father. Terry joined Yummy Yummy because he discovered that the contestants would receive the chance to go to Hong Kong. Terry’s girlfriend, Jane lived in Hong Kong and he wanted to find her. Chan Ka Bo (Natalie Tong Si Wing) is the younger sister of Chan Ka Lok. She met Terry because he was one of her brother’s good friends. Yuko Leong (Michelle Chia Yun-Ee) is the only daughter of a wealthy businessman. She is a rich, spoiled girl who lived in Singapore. Daniel met Yuko while the contestants of Yummy Yummy visited Singapore. She accused Daniel of scratching her BMW because she saw him touching the scar on her car. In the game show, Chan Ka Lok, Daniel Yau, Terry Ng and Yan Chow are on the yellow team. Mandy Chow is one of the managers of Yummy Yummy. In the end, they found out that they have something in common.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2005
Cast: Kevin Cheng, Raymond Lam, Charmaine Sheh, Tavia Yeung

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