Fluttering Warning (English subtitles) – 설렘주의보

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November 1, 2018
What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim (Cantonese) - 金秘書為何那樣
The Most Beautiful Goodbye (Cantonese) - 世上最美麗的離別

Description: This drama is based on a popular web novel of the same title by “서한결 / Seo Han Kyul” which was published from 2016-Dec-5 to 2017-Mar-4 via shiftbooks.yes24.com.

A dermatologist, Cha Woo Hyun (Chun Jung Myung) is extremely popular with women, but he doesn’t have much interest in dating. Yoon Yo Jung (Yoon Eun Hye)is a famous actress, who hasn’t been able to date another man since rumors started to spread 15 years ago. By mere coincidence, they decide to establish a contract in which they decide to “pretend” to others thatthey are dating and in love with each other.
Yoon Eun Hye, Chun Jung Myung, Han Go Eun, Joo Woo Jae, P.O, Lee Hye Ran
16 Episodes
31 October 2018
Production company(s):

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