Firestorm – 風暴

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October 27, 2018
L Storm - l風暴
Buyer Beware - 吉屋

Description: A storm is heading to the city of Hong Kong, and with it comes another occurrence so destructive, it vows to bring down everything it touches.

A crew of seasoned criminals led by the notorious Cao Nam (Hu Jun), armed with high-powered weapons, pulls off another smooth and violent armored car heist in broad daylight in a crowded street. Whoever tries to get in their way, they will show no mercy. This puts the police force to shame and humiliation.

A hardboiled senior police inspector Lui Ming-chit (Andy Lau), hot on the trails of Nam and his tight crew, determines to put an end to this madness that causes the lives of innocent people. But he soon comes face with the cruel reality that the usual police tactics are too futile to send these armed thieves behind bars. Extreme crime requires extreme justice, even if it means crossing his moral line. To Shing-bong (Gordon Lam), an ex-con desperate to leave his criminal past behind, volunteers to be Lui’s informant in exchange for a fresh start with his girlfriend Yin Bing (Yao Chen). But little does he know what hellish situation he is getting himself into.

While Nam is putting together his next big score, the two colliding forces from both sides of the law, each at the top of their games, will soon face their archenemies. As Lui’s hunt heats up, their ultimate confrontation is about to take place on the streets.

As the storm passes through and the dust settles, whoever survives can hardly cope with its horrifying aftermath.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2013
Director: Alan Yuen
Cast:  Andy Lau, Yao Chen, Gordon Lam, Hu Jun, Ray Lui

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