Find Me in Your Memory – 그 남자의 기억법 (English subtitles)

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March 18, 2020
Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart: Ryeo (Cantonese) - 月之戀人-步步驚心:麗
The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince (Cantonese) - 咖啡王子

Description: This is a melodrama romance revolves around Lee Jung Hoon (Kim Dong Wook),a man with hyperthymesia with a condition that gives people the abilityto remember an abnormally vast amount of their life experiences in vivid detail, and Yeo Ha Jin (Moon Ga Young),a woman who has forgotten the most important moments of her life. The two people with similar scars fatefully cross paths one day and come to love each other.

Times:32 Episodes
Release Date:18 March 2020
Production company(s):MBC
Director:Oh Hyun Jong
Cast:Kim Dong Wook, Moon Ga Young, Jang Young Nam, Lee Seung Joon, Lee Jin Hyuk, Han Da Mi

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