Fighter of Destiny (Cantonese) – 擇天記

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March 15, 2019
Beauty's Rival In The Palace (Cantonese) - 美人心計
Cupid of Chou Dynasty (Mandarin) - 大周小冰人

Description: At the beginning of time, a mystical meteor came crashing down from outer space and scattered all over the world. A piece of it landed in the Eastern Continent. There were mysterious totems carved upon the meteor. Through studying these totems, humankind comprehended the Dao and established the Orthodoxy.

Several thousands of years later, fourteen-year-old orphan boy Chen Changsheng was saved by a Taoist monk, and accepted as a disciple. He is actually the fourth prince of the Chen’s Royal bloodline. However, Changsheng is plagued with an incurable illness, fated not to live past the age of twenty. To find a cure, he leaves his temple to find the magical stone that will change his fate. Bringing a piece of a marriage vow with him, he sets out to Shendu Province, thus beginning journey of a rising hero going against the world. Along the way, he meets Xu Yourong, his childhood friend and they slowly fall in love after passing through the trials and tribulations of the journey.


Language: Cantonese
Country: China
Cast:  Lu Han, Guli Nazha, Janice Wu, Joseph Zeng

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