Fatal Visit 2020 – 聖荷西謀殺案
Description:The story tells of Yanny (Charlene Choi), who leaves Hong Kong to escape a love affair gone bad. She goes to San Jose to visit Ling (Sammi Cheng), an old friend she hasn’t seen in years. It seems like Ling and her husband Tang (Tong Dawei) lead an ideal, carefree existence. But during the short span of five days, Yanny uncovers the truth hidden behind the façade as she discovers the unspeakable secrets that propel all three down a fatal path shattering their American dreams and imperiling their lives.
Director:Calvin Poon
Cast:Sammi Cheng, Charlene Choi, Tong Dawei, Dominic Lam Ka-Wah, Patrick Tam
Fatal Visit 2020 - 聖荷西謀殺案 Movie
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