Family Fortune – 家山有福

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January 15, 2018
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Description: 功名鎮上,柳家和洪家的三代祖先皆葬於同一洞穴。柳博學(譚炳文飾)欲獨佔洞穴的風水,聘來神棍地師賈英明(何偉龍飾)以破壞洪家祖墳的風水,而洪振宇(許紹雄飾)亦請來地師與之進行連串風水鬥法。雙方地師見有利可圖,實行合謀騙財,在破壞兩家風水之餘,更把罪名推卸到投靠學的游家身上,迫其離開,又截其水源,使本來感情發展不錯的柳家長子柳世文(王書麒飾)與游家長女游雪瑩(林穎嫻飾)無奈分開,幸得浪子凌初九(關禮傑飾)協助覓水源,游家始能以釀酒為生。瑩與九的感情亦在不知不覺間發展起來。時與九自幼分開的兄長倪天機(鄭君熾飾)為奪取四龍大會穴竟引領軍閥入主功名鎮,九終大義滅親,與柳、洪、游三家聯手對抗外敵

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1989
Cast: Eddie Kwan Lai Kit

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