Fall in Love with a Fox (2024) – 狐狸在手 (English subtitles)

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September 18, 2024
Fall in Love with a Fox (2024) - 狐狸在手 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Dark Night and Dawn (2024) - 暗夜与黎明 (English subtitles)

Description:The story follows Jin Million, a top assassin in the martial arts world who loses his memory and becomes a humble cook. He later meets the extraordinarily cunning and scheming lute master, Qu Wei. Despite countless trials and tribulations, they eventually come to understand each other’s true feelings and decide to join forces to defeat evil and reaffirm justice.

Country: China

Director: Man Chuang ChuangWu Qiang

Actors: Eve LuLiu Yu HanMa Hao DongWanyan Luo RongXu HaoYang Shi Qian

Genres: Comedy, Romance, Wuxia

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