Extremely Perilous Love (2023) – 君心难逑 (English subtitles)

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July 22, 2023
Extremely Perilous Love (2023) - 君心难逑 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Mysterious Lotus Casebook (2023) - 莲花楼 (English subtitles)

Description:The gripping tale of Xu Yin, the daughter of a prestigious doctors’ family. Driven by her determination to avenge her father, she goes to great lengths, even altering her appearance. In a twist of fate, she finds herself married to General Gu Sheng Han, a noble warrior. This marriage, however, was intended for Xu Qing Qing, the daughter of the prime minister. As Xu Yin and Gu Sheng Han navigate their new relationship, they constantly probe into each other’s true identities during their daily interactions. However, as time passes and they face challenges together, their initial animosity transforms into a deep bond of camaraderie and love. They evolve from bitter rivals into compassionate allies, overcoming obstacles hand in hand.

Country: China

Actors: Daisy LiMa Zi WeiWang Xing WeiWang Zu Yi

Genres: Historical, Romance

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