Extraordinary You (English subtitles) – 어쩌다 발견한 하루

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October 2, 2019
Clean with Passion for Now (Cantonese) - 先熱情地打掃吧
Super Daddy (Cantonese) - 超级爸B

Description: Ha Roo Found by Chance / Suddenly One Day / A Day Found by Chance

This drama is based on the webcomic series “어쩌다 발견한 7월 / July Found by Chance” by Moo Ryoo (무류) which was first published on 2018-January-18 via comic.daum.com.

Eun Dan Oh (Kim Hye Yoon)is a student at a prestigious academy, but she has a heart condition. One day by chance, she discovers that she and everyone else in her worldare actually characters in a manhwa called Secret. Worse yet, Dan Oh isonly a minor character in this story and is expected to die soon. Not satisfied with this fate, she decides to forge her own destiny by changing the story’s plot and finding her own true love.

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Stars: Kim Hye Yoon, Kim Ro woon, Lee Jae Wook, Lee Na Eun, Jung Gun Joo, Kim Young Dae
Director: Kim Sang Hyub
Times: 32 Episodes
Release: 02 October 2019
Production company(s): MBC



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