Enter the Phoenix – 大佬爱美丽

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January 31, 2019
Sister Cupid - 天賜良緣
Doomsday Party - 命运派对

Description: When gang master Hung died, his two followers Cheung and Chapman To were sent to Thailand to look for his son, Georgie Hung, to succeed him. Georgie, who is gay and lives as a cook with his boyfriend Frankie, is uninterested to continue his father’s work. But his close friend Sam, adored the life of a gangster and took his position instead. Sam and Georgie thus returned to Hong Kong with their identities swapped.

Upon returning, they discovered that Hung had accidentally killed Cheng Chow’s father and now Cheng Chow, a leading gangster of a friendly gang, led by Chan Wai-Man, is looking to avenge for his father’s death.

Meanwhile, Chan Wai-Man wanted to let his daughter Julie to marry Sam in order to strengthen the bond between the two gangs. Sam initially agrees but later changed his mind when he discovered that Julie is not in love with him.

Finally, Cheng Chow kidnapped both Julie and Sam and forced Georgie to lead his gang on a rescue mission. Georgie, with help from Julie and Sam, defeated Cheng Chow in the final battle and told him to accept the fact that his father’s death was an accident. Then Cheng Chow saved Georgie when one of his men tried to take his life.

Julie and Sam fell in love during the kidnapping and decided to get married while Sam and Georgie took joint leadership of the gang.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2004
Director: Stephen Fung
Cast: Eason Chan, Daniel Wu, Karen Mok, Stephen Fung

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