Election 2 – 黑社會:以和爲貴

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January 30, 2019
Fatal Move - 奪帥
Don't Go Breaking My Heart 2 - 單身男女2

Description: Lok is now holding his position as triad chairman of the Wo Shing society unthreatened in Hong Kong. As his two-year term expires, a new chairman election nears, but Lok contemplates breaking tradition, attempting to seek re-election. At the same time, Jimmy is trying to escape Wo Shing by building a legitimate business empire in mainland China. When he is arrested in an illegal financial trade with a government official for the building of a new logistics center and highway, the section chief of the Public Security Bureau forbids him to re-enter the mainland to do business, unless he becomes Wo Shing’s next chairman. Reluctant, but forced to accept the reality he can never truly exit the triad, Jimmy enters into the election nomination, with Jet and Kun also seeking the chairman position.

Lok first negotiates with Kun, claiming Wo Shing’s “Uncles” will support Kun, so long as they team up for a joint election bid. Kun then kidnaps and places Jimmy’s financial supporter Mr Kwok in a coffin alive with Big Head, so as to eliminate the competition. Lok also asks Jet to assassinate Jimmy, also claiming the “Uncles” will support Jet. Unfortunately, Jet does not complete the assassination, following Jimmy warning the youth Lok will most likely have him and Kun killed, once Jimmy is dead. Mr So, having been similarly arrested in the mainland for an illegal gambling ring, allies with Jimmy to see to his election as chairman. Meanwhile, Lok hides the Dragon Head Baton, the symbol of Wo Shing’s leadership, in mainland China, hoping to reassert his power, then outright kills “Uncle” Teng Wai, after Teng blasts Lok for breaking Wo Shing tradition. Seeing the corruption and civil war escalating in the society, Jimmy kidnaps Lok’s lieutenants and bribes them to work for him. After exposing Kun for kidnapping Mr. Kwok and Big Head, while ordering Lok’s lieutenants to murder the chairman, Jimmy’s nomination is successful, and he wins the election.

Back in mainland China, the section chief congratulates Jimmy for winning and hands the Dragon Head Baton Lok hid. However, the Security Bureau is tired of seeing the baton entering the mainland for years and having to re-deliver it back to Wo Shing. In the hopes this will not happen again, the section chief orders Jimmy to become Wo Shing’s chairman permanently, establishing the society as a family enterprise. The furious Jimmy cannot believe these turn of events, hoping once his two-year term as chairman expires, he can finally go “clean”. Upon visiting his wife, whom he sent into hiding during the election for her safety, she announces her pregnancy. Jimmy embraces her hiding both fear and horror at the prospect of his son being trapped in a life he wants no part of.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 92 Minutes
Release Date: 2006
Director: Johnnie To
Cast: Louis Koo, Simon Yam, Nick Cheung, Cheung Siu-fai, Lam Suet, Gordon Lam

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