Dropping by Cloud Nine – 你們我們他們

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January 5, 2024
Dropping by Cloud Nine - 你們我們他們 - Episode 01
A Fist Within Four Walls - 城寨英雄‬

Description: Having been inspired by “Something About Love” by Jimmy Liao, the famous Taiwanese illustrator and picture book writer, TVB has produced ten irresistible modern love stories in the season of romance, including “Let Go”, “Romance on a Ride”, “The Story of Marriage”, “Two Unfailing Hearts”, “Happy Single Christmas”, “When an Old Sweater Meets an Old Scarf”, “Romantic Dream”, “Love Transfer”, “I Do” and “Our Romantic Story”. Love is sweet, but it can burn too. Revealing and witty, these city romances challenge our view on love, as it lays bare how loyalty and deceit, innocence and darkness, intimacy and alienation can co-exist in modern relationships. Excite the tastes of love here at TVB!

踏入溫馨的二月,剛迎來農曆新年,闔家歡聚共享天倫,而情人節和元宵節迅即又至,在這個充滿愛意的月份,翡翠台及高清翡翠台特別為有情人送上一份甜蜜賀禮-10個改篇自台灣著名繪本畫家幾米作品的動人愛情小故事,跟大家一同分享「愛」。 在茫茫人海邂逅相知相愛的另一半,總教人相信冥冥之中自有一份「緣」,而取材自幾米的繪本名作《你們我們他們》的10段情感細膩的愛情故事,正是圍繞「緣分」這個主題。故事由一對男女偶然的邂逅而展開,剛從外國返港的June(徐子珊飾)相約網友往主題公園大玩「緣分」遊戲,卻偶遇攝影師Jesse(吳卓羲飾),兩個陌生人共度了一天,彼此分享愛情觀,帶出10個分別題為《不捨不得》、《一個人的快樂聖誕》、《兩顆不變心》、《一程車的春天》、《結婚密語》、《我們的浪漫故事》、《愛情轉移》、《白日綺夢》、《我願意》、《當舊毛衣遇上舊圍巾》的細膩愛情故事。至於兩人事後的發展則可能是另一場緣分遊戲。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 10 Episodes
Release Date: 2011
Cast: Joel Chan, Macy Chan, Mandy Wong, Sire Ma, Elena Kong, Mag Lam, Ron Ng, Kate Tsui, Vincent Wong
Genre: Modern Drama

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