Dream of Colours – 下一站彩虹

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January 23, 2019
Rise Of The Taiji Master - 武當張三豐
Crimson Sabre - 碧血劍

Description: At the end of a fashion show, the internationally renowned fashion designer NICK YAU (TSE KWAN HO) walks onto the stage amidst rapturous applause together with top model ELAINE POON (NG MEI HENG, MELISSA), the angel of his heart who inspires him to greatness. All fabulous costumes and the brightly lit catwalk make it an enthralling show to enjoy. NICK has high expectations on new designers MICHELLE KU (WU, MYOLIE), PHOEBE LUI (LI CHOI WA, RAIN) and ELLA KWAN (CHAN MAN CHI, SHARON). MICHELLE’s grandfather KU CHUN KAU is NICK’s mentor. Because of his relationship with KAU, NICK puts even higher demands on MICHELLE. MICHELLE, PHOEBE and ELLA are talented and have great potential but there are considerable obstacles to overcome before their rise to fame. To live their dreams, they are determined to endure the hardships and to face the challenges ahead. As time goes by, NICK and MICHELLE have developed a genuine affection for each other…. ELAINE is heartbroken. But her tears are gone when a suitor MARIO LAW (SINN LAP MAN), NICK’s partner, comes to woo her. Can MARIO save her from despair?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2004
Cast: Myolie Wu, Melissa Ng, Tse Kwan Ho, Kenneth Ma, Sharon Chan, Rain Li

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