Dr. Storks (Cantonese) – 雙面醫生

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September 19, 2016
Dr. Storks (Cantonese) - 雙面醫生 - Episode 01
Hirugao-Love Affairs in the Afternoon (Cantonese) - 晝顏

dr-storks Description:Sakura Konotori (Gou Ayano) is a gynecologist and also a pianist known as “Baby.” He is the leader of a ob-gyn team and respected by his peers.

One day, he begins to play the piano at a club in Tokyo. 10 minutes later, he stops playing and takes a call from the hospital on whether to accept a pregnant woman. He rushes to the hospital. The pregnant woman has never had an examination and the hospital isn’t even sure how many months she has been pregnant. Sakura decides to accept the pregnant woman even though there is high risk. He asks the Neonatology team for help. Takayuki Imahashi (Nao Omori) is the leader of the Neonatology team and he prepares for the woman to give birth.
Other name: コウノドリ, Kounodori
Dramas 2015 Genre(s): Medical, Music
Release: Dec 18, 2015
Status: Ep01 Country: Japan
Broadcast: TVB Language: Cantonese
Director(s): Nobuhiro Doi, Fuminori Kaneko
Actor(s): Gou Ayano, Mayu Matsuoka, Yo Yoshida, Kentaro Sakaguchi

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