Doomsday Party – 命运派对

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January 31, 2019
Enter the Phoenix - 大佬爱美丽
A Moment of Romance III - 天若有情III烽火佳人

Description: The film opens with scenes of angry protests in front of Hong Kong’s LegCo building. Following a double bomb scare, police attempt to disperse the crowd, only to fuel further rage. A few blocks away, Lang (Kelvin Kwan) and his acolyte Fish (Fish Liew) take advantage of the surrounding chaos to hold up a bank. Armed with a pistol and makeshift bombs, they threaten employees and customers, among whom police detective Kin-Ho (Paul Wong), celebrity English tutor Victor Lo (Wilfred Lau), bank clerk Wan Yee (Kay Tse), councillor Ho (KK Cheung), his mistress Rebecca (Maggie Chan), and an old man clinging to a mysterious envelope (Teddy Robin).

After the opening credits, the action goes back in time to follow the intertwining lives of these eight characters.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2014
Director: Ho Hong
Cast: Paul Wong, Kay Tse, Kelvin Kwan , Teddy Robin, Wilfred Lau

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