Don’t Go Breaking My Heart 2 – 單身男女2

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January 30, 2019
Election 2 - 黑社會:以和爲貴
City Hunter (1993) - 城市獵人

Description: Don’t Go Breaking My Heart 2 is a 2014 Hong Kong-Chinese romantic comedy film directed by Johnnie To. A sequel to the 2011 film Don’t Go Breaking My Heart, it stars returning cast members Louis Koo, Gao Yuanyuan and Daniel Wu alongside new cast members Vic Chou and Miriam Yeung. It was screened at the Special Presentations section at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. It was released in China on 11 November and in Hong Kong on 13 November 2014.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 113 Minutes
Release Date: 2014
Director: Johnnie To
Cast: Louis Koo, Miriam Yeung, Gao Yuanyuan, Vic Chou, Daniel Wu

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