Diplomatic Situation (Mandarin) – 外交风云

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September 22, 2019
On The Road (Mandarin) - 在远方
Ji Qing De Sui Yue (Mandarin) - 激情的岁月

Description: Wai Jiao Feng Yun
The story, starting from the birth of China 1949, mainly describes the contribution of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries like Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping to China’s diplomatic career.

With their ultra diplomatic strategic thought, flexible diplomatic skills, unique diplomatic style, extraordinary talent, they have won great honor and noble international status for the new-born China. This series comprehensively displays the Geneva Conference, Bandung Conference, Zhou Enlai’s visit to Africa, China’s restoration of the seat in the United Nations, as well as a series of magnificent diplomatic facts, showing the difficult and tortuous diplomatic process of the new-born China last century.


40 Episodes
19 September 2019




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