Detective versus Detectives (Cantonese) – 偵探的偵探

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April 10, 2016
PLAY BALL! BE"M"ARS (Cantonese) - 初森壘球團
CSI: Crime Scene Talks Special (Cantonese) - 遺留搜查 孤島刑偵

Detective_versus_Detective-p01Description:  Rena Sasaki (Keiko Kitagawa) is a beautiful woman with excellent memory and intelligence. She becomes a private detective and risks her life to chase down evil private detectives, because her younger sister was murdered by a stalker. The person that provided information to the stalker on her sister’s location was a private detective.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Japan
Director: Yusuke Ishii, Shunsuke Shinada,Tomonobu Moriwaki
Cast: Keiko Kitagawa, Haruna Kawaguchi, Takahiro Miura, Dean Fujioka, Masayuki Ito

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