Destination Nowhere – 迷

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January 13, 2019
A Pillow Case of Mystery 2 - 施公奇案2
Burning Hands - 乘勝狙擊


Description: CID officer Man Kiu Pak is a little man who achieved meritorious deeds by fluke and is promoted to inspector. Opportunistic reporter Gai Wing Yin appears to be a blissful wife, but she is actually troubled by finances and is stuck between her daughter and second husband. The honest, dumb thief Cheung Hak works hard to be a good person, but is forced to do desperate acts for a living. He and hispartners Lau Chau and Kwan Kai carry out a kidnapping, but abduct the wrong person. The “victim” hijacks their kidnapping attempt and teaches them to kidnap her mother. A plan that seems perfect, but along the way,there are mistakes… mistakes… mistakes… Trying to cover up the mistakes, but instead creating even more mistakes; a supposedly loving and caring relationship, yet there is mutual suspicion. It sounds absurd, but real life is sometimes even more absurd than dramas! Using black humour to bring out a suspenseful plot and eccentric life, so surprising that you cannot stop watching.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 13 February 2017
Cast: Kevin Cheng, Kristal Tin, King Kong, James Ng

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