Dealer/Healer – 毒。誡

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July 9, 2017
Love Contractually - 合约男女
The Moment - 此情此刻

Description: During the 1960s-70s in Hong Kong, when the police were corrupt and triads ruled the city, it was the glorious days days for Chan Wah (Sean Lau), La Ba (Gordon Lam), Kitty (Zhang Jin) and their brothers. Chan, who was very arrogant, was regarded as the leader of the “Thirteen Naughty Children of Tsz Wan Shan”. Chan later meets the love of his life, Ho-yau (Jiang Yiyan), and spent his sweetest times with her. However, good times do not as long as Chan was being hunted down fro drug trafficking. Fortunately, Chan was able to escape from death with the help of his frienemy, Halley (Louis Koo), who is the leader of the Anti-Drug Unit of the police force, but was unable to escape from the law. After being released from prison, Chan’s father passed away while Ho-yau went missing, causing him to greatly blame himself. Chan realized his past mistakes and is determined to turn over a new leaf. Not only does he actively participate in helping youths rehab from drugs, he was also awarded as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong. He also influenced La Ba and Kitty to the right path and helped mediate disputes among the triads and garnered great respects from both the triads and the police. Once while attending a drug treatment lectures in Japan, Chan encounters Ho-yau and once again wants to be together with her.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hongkong
Times: 101 Minutes
Release Date: 18 May 2017
Director: Lawrence Ah Mon
Cast: Sean Lau, Louis Koo, Zhang Jin, Gordon Lam, Patrick Tam, Jiang Yiyan

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