Daddy You, Daughter Me (Cantonese) – 爸爸是女兒

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October 22, 2018
Golden Job - 黃金兄弟
A Wonderful Moment (Cantonese) - 我的小小英雄

Description: Do-Yeon (Jung So-Min) is a high school student. She doesn’t have a good relationship with her father (Yoon Je-Moon) who is constantly nagging to her to study. Do-Yeon’s dream is to go on a date and her first date is approaching. Meanwhile, Do-Yeon’s father has worked as a chief section for years and never had a promotion. His chance for a promotion is finally approaching. Both father and daughter have important moments arriving, but they suddenly change bodies.


Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Release Date: 2017

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