Daddy Good Deeds – 當旺爸爸

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June 10, 2023
Daddy Good Deeds - 當旺爸爸 - Episode 01
Born Rich - 富貴門

Description: Pawn shop owner Ko Yee Man (Ha Yu) often upholds the ’emergency assistance’ spirit, there will always be solutions to everything in life, with exception of his three beloved children. Being the 24/7 father is gives him the greatest headache. Oldest son Ko Wai Ting (Evergreen Mak) and his wife Wan Yun Han (Nancy Wu) are a very loving couple, but their careers trip them up. Second daughter Ko Yue Chu (Linda Chung) almost became the third party in a relationship, but was fortunate enough that her bickering friend Lam Fat (Steven Ma) was thereto pull her back up on her feet. As for youngest daughter Ko Yue Bo (Cilia Lok), she is completely a fast and dodgey person. She only knows how to chit-chat day and night, and have no integrity.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2012
Cast: Ha Yu, Steven Ma, Linda Chung, Edwin Siu, Mak Cheung-ching, Nancy Wu, Cilla Lok, Chow Chung

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