Cyber Heist – 斷網
Description:Behind the computer screens lies a mysterious web jungle displaying full of fiber optics and data, which is a fantastical space carrying useful technology and malicious viruses at the same time.
Hackers release a virus to the web, unleashing a large scale cyber attack. Fortunately, cyber security engineer and IT whiz, Cheuk Ka-chun (Aaron Kwok) uses a firewall he developed to resolve the crisis. Unbeknownst to Ka-chun, the mastermind behind this virus spread is his superior, Chan Ming-chi (Gordon Lam) and Ka-chun also falls victim into a money laundering conspiracy as a result.
To prove his innocence, Ka-chun engages in a fierce battle with Ming-chi. Ka-chun secretly develops an AI programme application super virus and sets foot into dangerous grounds to ambush and attack the hackers and swears to find evidence of Ming-chi’s crimes. At the same time, Ming-chi also commands the hackers to steal Ka-chun’s password-cracking software setting off a network technology crisis potentially and kidnap Ka-chun’s daughter, Po-yee, while also threatening his wife, Wing-shan (Megan Lai). Ka-chun is pressured as the lives of his family are being threatened. Making matters worse, his AI super virus loses control and swiftly finds its way entering every computer in Hong Kong, leading to a public panic, and Ka-chun faces the challenge of reviving the city’s network and rescuing his family from danger between life and death.
Directed by: Danny Wong
Starring: Aaron Kwok, Gordon Lam, Simon Yam, Megan Lai.
The Outlaws – 犯罪都市 (2017)
1641 0All Shall Be Well (2024) – 從今以後 Time Still Turns the Pages (2023) – 年少日記 Description: 本來黑白平衡的韓國都市,因為外來黑幫的入侵,天下大亂、民不聊生,當地刑警必須設法維持治安。 导演: 姜允成 编剧: 姜允成 主演: 马东锡 / 尹启相 / 赵在允 / 崔奎华 / 林炯俊 / 更多… 类型: 动作 / 犯罪 制片国家/地区: 韩国
Meow – 喵星人
1965 0The Sinking City: Capsule Odyssey – 西謊極落之太爆太子太空艙 To Love or Not to Love – 初戀日記:賤男蜜擾 Description: An alien lifeform from a faraway planet has been residing on Earth for thousands of years. They transform themselves into cats and populate every
CJ7 – 長江7號
1868 0The Chinese Feast 1995 – 金玉滿堂 End Game (2021) – 人潮汹涌 Description:周鐵在一個建築工地當臨時工,以微薄的收入供兒子周小迪念當地的一所貴族學校。由於小迪家境貧寒,他經常受到同學們的嘲笑和欺負,然而他謹記父親的教誨,不卑不亢。還時常幫助學校中的弱勢群體,也由此得到了一位體型巨大的女同學美嬌的好感。小迪看見同學的先進玩具「長江一號」,自己也愛不釋手,逼迫父親購買。周鐵雖當面拒絕,卻覺得心中有愧。在他外出為兒子撿一雙運動鞋時,無意間撿到了外星船遺留在地球上的類似橡皮球的智能生物。周鐵將橡皮球帶回家,起初小迪對之十分恐懼,在親眼目睹橡皮球變成一隻活蹦亂跳的狗後,對它產生好感,並將他命名為「長江七號」,暱稱為「七仔」。當晚,小迪夢見他帶著長江七號去學校,用它所提供的各種先進設備考試考一百分,參加各種體育運動均破記錄。夢醒之後,當他真的帶著七仔去學校後才發現,七仔什麼都不會,反而噴了他一身狗屎,讓他出盡洋相。為了博得父親高興,小迪將0分試卷改成100分。周鐵卻信以為真,在工地上四處誇耀。然而包工頭的一句「作弊」引發二人衝突。周鐵拿著試卷找小迪對質,小迪卻表現出對父親十分反感。周鐵回到工地,意外得到包工頭的諒解。好景不常,周鐵在高空作業時墜樓身亡。當晚,小迪痛哭之後,堅信父親會在第二天早晨出現。此時,七仔也在停屍間用自己的超能力使周鐵復活。早晨,小迪看見復活的父親,激動地留下悔恨的淚水,而七仔卻因為能量耗盡,變回原型(毛公仔)。周鐵和小迪嘗試用各種充電方法令七仔復活,但都不成功。當一切都歸於平靜之後,外星飛船再次出現,並帶來一大群各色各樣的「七仔」。 【發音語言】 : 粵語中字 【主 演】 : 周星馳 徐嬌 張雨綺 林子聰
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