Cyber Heist – 斷網

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April 3, 2023
Chasing The Dragon 2 – Extras For Chasing The Dragon (2023) - 追龙番外篇之龙争虎斗
Sakra - 天龍八部之喬峯傳

Description:Behind the computer screens lies a mysterious web jungle displaying full of fiber optics and data, which is a fantastical space carrying useful technology and malicious viruses at the same time.

Hackers release a virus to the web, unleashing a large scale cyber attack. Fortunately, cyber security engineer and IT whiz, Cheuk Ka-chun (Aaron Kwok) uses a firewall he developed to resolve the crisis. Unbeknownst to Ka-chun, the mastermind behind this virus spread is his superior, Chan Ming-chi (Gordon Lam) and Ka-chun also falls victim into a money laundering conspiracy as a result.

To prove his innocence, Ka-chun engages in a fierce battle with Ming-chi. Ka-chun secretly develops an AI programme application super virus and sets foot into dangerous grounds to ambush and attack the hackers and swears to find evidence of Ming-chi’s crimes. At the same time, Ming-chi also commands the hackers to steal Ka-chun’s password-cracking software setting off a network technology crisis potentially and kidnap Ka-chun’s daughter, Po-yee, while also threatening his wife, Wing-shan (Megan Lai). Ka-chun is pressured as the lives of his family are being threatened. Making matters worse, his AI super virus loses control and swiftly finds its way entering every computer in Hong Kong, leading to a public panic, and Ka-chun faces the challenge of reviving the city’s network and rescuing his family from danger between life and death.

Directed by: Danny Wong
Starring: Aaron Kwok, Gordon Lam, Simon Yam, Megan Lai.

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