Crayon Shinchan the Movie: Serious Battle! Robot Dad Strikes Back (Cantonese) – 蠟筆小新劇場版 : 大對決! 機器人爸爸的反擊!

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January 21, 2019
Crayon Shinchan the Movie: Serious Battle! Robot Dad Strikes Back (Cantonese) - 蠟筆小新劇場版 : 大對決! 機器人爸爸的反擊! - Episode 01
Payme Holiday - Hokkaido (Cantonese) - 有薪假期北海道篇

Description: 映画クレヨンしんちゃん ガチンコ! 逆襲のロボとーちゃん
Hiroshi got a slipped disk due to a back injury. He was taken to an Este salon by a mysterious beautiful girl who appeared suddenly, to receive a free trial of beauty treatment as well as a massage. When Hiroshi returned home after a beauty treatment, he was surprised to see himself in the form of a robot. Shinnosuke gets overjoyed, whereas Misae gets worried on seeing him as a naked robot. The robot version of Hiroshi turns out to be convenient. The robot Hiroshi could be controlled by a remote control and pretty much do anything including cooking and cleaning. Meanwhile, Hiroshi realizes that his turning into a robot has to do something with that Este salon. However, this new change was a dark conspiracy hatched by “Chichi Yure Doumei (The Association of Fathers)” to create a strong father figure for all the fathers in Japan. Soon, many dads in the whole nation go out of control, and the Nohara family (Shinnosuke’s family) and Kasukabe start falling apart. Before the near-collapse of Kasukabe, Shinnosuke and Hiroshi i.e. Robot dad stand up to save the day. Featuring the most intense battle of middle-aged men, the movie brings a touching story that makes all fathers and families in Japan cry.

以小新爸爸廣志為主角,向科幻電影《悍戰太平洋》和《未來戰士》致敬的搞笑動畫。爸爸廣志突然變成機器人,不僅能做出美味料理,還將家裡打掃的閃閃發亮!一切原來是「爸爸奮起同盟」的陰謀,為了幫卑微的爸爸們恢復尊嚴!一場「爸爸革命」,使野原家和春日部陷於危機中 !

Production company(s): ViuTV
Country: Hong Kong

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