Country Spirit – 酒是故鄉醇

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July 1, 2018
Riches And Stitches - 鳳舞香羅
Plain Love 2 - 茶是故鄉濃

Description: KOO SAI LUNG (CHUN PUI) is the manager of a wine factory. He adopts his ex-girlfriend’s illegitimate son, SHUNG (LAM KA TUNG), out of kindness. SHUNG is cheerful and tolerates any kind of abuse. LUNG’s sister, YIU (TANG SHUI MAN), loves SHUNG. However, she cannot forget her former love KOU (TSANG WAI KUEN) who is dead. LUNG’s only son, SAN (MA TAK CHUNG, JOE) serves in the army. The family has not heard from him for a long time and assumes that he is dead. LUNG sets up a marriage for his missing son with FANG (SHEH CHARMAINE), who works as a ferry lady. FANG is stubborn and has conflicts with the KOO’s family. SHUNG reminds her how to behave and helps her become more mature. SHUNG becomes a student of CHEUNG (YUEN WAH) and learns how to make wine. CHEUNG lost his wife early in their marriage, similar to YIU’s situation. They soon develop into an argumentative couple. LUNG has a stroke. The whole family is falling apart. With SHUNG’s help, FANG takes up the responsibility to manage the family and the factory. When their love starts sparkling, SAN suddenly comes home. Can SHUNG and FANG shed their moral burden?

西南一地,全鄉以造酒為生。阿純自幼無父,乃一孽子,母劉玉鳳因當日受感情創傷而成瘋婦,幸得當地大酒坊「九舖香」當家古世龍可憐收留。純心存感激,盡心為酒坊工作。多年來,純對釀酒每個過程皆瞭如指掌,造酒造詣相當高,但因不光彩的身世,自幼常受人白眼,在酒坊內地位低微,擔當「酒尾公」工作,常遭村民及酒坊眾人欺凌。 黎順風一家生活清苦,順風在鄉中以拉橫水渡為生,父親黎九斤駕駛「花尾渡」,唯好杯中物。弟黎順水好食懶飛,性格貪玩、蠱惑,一無所長卻又愛認叻,經常游手好閒,本質雖非壞,只是為家人出頭時,反會闖禍,好心做壞事,為家人帶來麻煩。 酒坊「九舖香」,分成六大部門,各有一主管,皆是皇親國戚,表面六權鼎立,暗裡經常爭權奪利。古世龍身為當家,精明慎密,對人嚴苛冷漠,擅利用手段,不重視親情,與其兄古世熊處於敵對關係,時加打壓,唯一信任的,只是其妹古瑤。 原來世熊本為長子,但因心胸狹窄,其父反而看重世龍,加上世熊母因失寵而對世龍母心生怨對病死,故世熊對世龍一直懷恨,而瑤當年年紀尚小,但生性樂天、善解人意,反而成為世龍、世熊的緩衝。世熊為打擊世龍,重奪家業,用盡千方百計,但世龍精明老練,洞悉一切,只是不動聲色。當世龍四面受敵之際,各人均對酒坊大權虎視眈眈,唯瑤厭惡鬥爭,不願捲入鬥爭之中,拒絕接管打理。 世龍原有獨生子古桂生,但早年從軍戰死沙場。正當世龍獨力支撐家業深感無助之際,幸得純、順風留在身邊,盡心盡力的照顧協助。世龍感激之餘,亦發覺順風乃釀酒之材,遂決將當家之位交與順風。純眼見順風成為酒坊當家後,被世熊聯同其他人處處針對,成眾矢之的,樂於從旁扶助。世龍與順風二人相處日久,互相馴服、改變,不知不覺間建立起一種父女情誼,世龍更把釀酒秘訣傳授予順風。純、順風二人合力化解眾人之恩怨,同時揭穿世熊的奸計,漸漸得到眾人認同。 純、順風經歷考驗波折,兩人感情更進一步,而瑤為成全兩人,竟答應吉祥婚事,但順風到此亦知瑤仍鍾情純,就在這糾纏不清的關係下,桂生竟突然歸來,眾人方知原來桂生沒有死去。純、順風、瑤、桂生等四人關係頓時變得進退維艱……

A.K.A: Plain Love III
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 42 Episodes
Release Date: 2001
Cast: Gordon Lam, Charmaine Sheh, Joe Ma, Sheren Tang

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