Come On, Cousin – 老表,你好hea

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July 5, 2020
Come On Cousin - 老表,你好hea - Episode 01
Death By Zero - 殺手

comeoncousinDescription: After spending years travelling in foreign countries, Roger Kwok finally returns to Hong Kong because of his father Chung King-fai’s illness. His life changes forever when he meets his neighbors whom live in the same apartment building. From a supermarket labourer, he becomes a labour union representative, and then runs for office as a Legislative Council candidate. Over the years, he and his nneighborswitness the changes taking place in Hong Kong. Fighting for workers’ rights, Roger has battled against wealthy heir Wong Cho Lam for many years. The fence-sitting politician Mimi Chu tries to take advantage of the situation for her own benefit, but her previous romance with a wealthy businessman is exposed. Joey Meng is Roger’s first love, but her mother arranges for her to date Bob Lam instead. Roger’s sister (Ivana Wong) hits many dead ends as she pursues her dream of becoming a singer. Meanwhile, her boyfriend (Louis Cheung) is willing to become involved with rich women to gain fame and money… Each person’s life is a reflection of our own experiences. Regardless of wealth or political background, each family has their own problems. But for their livelihood, career, dream or love, they carry on with the undefeatable Hong Kong spirit!
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 20 October 2014
Cast: Roger Kwok, Joey Meng, Wong Cho Lam, Ivana Wong, Louis Cheung, Hins Cheung, Angela Tong, Bob Lam,Leanne Li
Genre: Comedy, Modern Drama

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