Cold War – 寒戰
Description: The police have long been untouchable in Hong Kong, Asia’s safest city. One midnight, though, a police van carrying advanced equipment and five police officers goes missing. The kidnappers possess detailed knowledge of the police’s procedures and have planned several steps ahead. The police must meet a list of demands to ensure the hostages’ release, including the delivery of a large ransom. Any delay will cost lives. The clock has begun to tick.
Two Deputy Commissioners, Sean Lau (Aaron Kwok) and Waise Lee (Tony Leung Ka-fai), fight over who should lead the rescue operation, code-named Cold War. Lau wants to negotiate with the kidnappers while secretly tracking them to their hide-out. Lee is ready for a direct attack, no matter what the cost. For them, there is much more at stake than the safety of the hostages or the police’s reputation, because the Commissioner will be stepping down in two years, so one of them will receive a promotion. Cold War will determine who will climb to the top. Lau is from Management, while Lee is from Operations. The former has the support of the Security Secretary because of his skillful management of the police’s finances. On the other hand, the latter rose through the ranks from Constable and has the support of the front-line officers including the CID. However, both end up as pawns in a much larger game.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 102 Minutes
Release Date: 2012
Director: Longman Leung, Sunny Luk
Cast: Aaron Kwok, Tony Leung, Charlie Young, Gordon Lam, Chin Kar-lok, Aarif Rahman, Eddie Peng, Andy Lau
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