CJ7 – 長江七號
Description: Chow Ti is a poor construction worker. He lives in a partially demolished house with his nine-year-old son, Dicky. Chow is eager to save money so he can continue sending his son to private school. However, Dicky is often bullied by other children and chided by his teacher at school.
One day, while at a department store, Dicky begs his father to buy him a popular robotic toy called CJ1. Chow cannot afford it, and the situation ends badly when Chow spanks the stubborn Dicky in front of other customers. Dicky finds comfort in Ms. Yuen, who is passing by. That night, Chow visits the junkyard where he often picks up home appliances and clothes for Dicky. He finds a strange green orb and takes it home, telling Dicky that it is a new toy. He is hesitant at first, but later accepts it. The following evening, the green orb transforms into a cuddly alien creature that befriends Dicky. After playing with the alien, he names the alien “CJ7”, and then falls asleep. He dreams that the alien will help him gain popularity and good grades at school.
When a group of students see the alien with Dicky they forcibly take it and try to cut it but nothing seems to work. At last they try to use a drill and Dicky jumps on them. Dicky tries to hit one of the students but a fat boy stops him who in turn is stopped by Maggie, a fatter and much bigger size girl. They are then punished for fighting. When the teacher, Mr. Cao left, CJ7 comes out from hiding and Dicky gets it to perform tricks for the other students and they are awed. Dicky thanked Johnny, the leader of the group of students, for not letting Mr. Cao know about CJ7. They shake hands and agree to not letting the adults know about it.
At the construction site Ti shows everyone Dicky’s test paper in which he scored a 100. His boss tells him that Dicky changed the marks and is a cheater. Then Ti threatens his boss that if he continues saying his son cheated he will hit him. As a result his boss gets angry, repeatedly calls Dicky a cheater and knocks Ti’s safety helmet off. Ti’s boss then tries to hit him again with his clipboard but Ti took his boss’ safety helmet and put on his own head so that it will not hurt when the clipboard hits his head. Then he runs off while his boss shouts after him that he is fired. Ti meets Dicky at home and gets angry with him for lying. He takes CJ7 from him saying he does not get to play since he does not work hard. When Dicky asks Ti to leave him alone, he promises to do that if Dicky can score more than 60 on his own effort.
The next day Ti comes to Dicky’s school to give him his lunchbox. There he meets Ms. Yuen, who offers to help Dicky study. Ti goes back to his boss and apologizes; his boss does the same and gives him back the job. At work, an incident happens and Ti dies. Ms. Yuen tells Dicky about it just when he gets his test result in which he scores 65.
The alien, still in the backpack which is now under the table on which Ti’s dead body is lying, gets out of the backpack and uses his repairing power on the body, even though he knows it will take his full power and he will die.
The next morning Dicky finds Ti sleeping next to him. The alien comes out of the backpack, and lies on the table, powerless. The ball inside his antenna falls and disintegrates, and he turns into a doll. They try many ways to get him back but are unsuccessful.
In the end, it is shown that everything is back to normal. The fat boy is in love with Maggie who is in love with Dicky who is in love with another girl who the bully Johnny takes away. Ti is in love with Ms. Yuen but is “not funny enough” for her. Dicky wears the alien doll as a neck pendant all the time, expecting it to come back to life.
In the end, Dicky sees a UFO landing and many other alien dogs like CJ7 of different colours and patterns come out.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 88 minutes
Release Date: 2008
Director: Stephen Chow
Cast: Stephen Chow, Xu Jiao, Zhang Yuqi
92 Legendary La Rose Noire – 92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰
1624 0Out of the Dark – 回魂夜 (1995) Echoes of the Thunder (2023) – 速戰 Description: 黄蝴蝶(邵美琪 饰)是一个失意的编剧,几经波折,已经堕落到向闺蜜阿娟(毛舜筠 饰)探讨三级片的程度。胡蝶的邻居警官吕奇(梁家辉 饰)对她颇有好感,后者在英雄救美后意外得到了她家的钥匙,然而他的不请自来,却落得狼狈而逃。因为事业接连遭受重创,胡蝶决定在江边横刀自尽,然而怯懦 的她终于没有自裁,反而盲打误撞惊扰了一对偷情的鸳鸯。后者仓皇逃窜,却遗留了一些私人财物。为了物归原主,胡蝶和阿娟一同登门,却无意中卷入了一场黑吃黑的血案。侥幸逃生的胡蝶临走前,还多事地留下了黑玫瑰的字条,而阿娟却因为留下了手印而被警方对号入座。结果,黑玫瑰成为了全城热议的话题,而这也引起了黑玫瑰掌门人(冯宝宝 饰)与师姐(黄韵诗 饰)的注意,于是一场剪不断理还乱的情场争夺战开始上演了…… 导演: 刘镇伟 编剧: 刘镇伟 主演: 梁家辉 / 邵美琪 / 毛舜筠 / 黄韵诗 / 冯宝宝 类型: 喜剧 / 动作
A Better Tomorrow 1986 – 英雄本色
2210 0Twelve Nights 2000 – 十二夜 Confession of Pain – 傷城 Description:宋子豪(狄龍 飾)和李馬克(Mark哥,周潤發 飾)是一個國際偽鈔集團的重要人物,彼此情如手足。子豪的弟弟宋子傑(張國榮 飾)受訓於警察學校,女友鍾柔(Jackie,朱寶意 飾)與他情投意合。一次,子豪與手下譚成(李子雄 飾)到台灣去交易,遭譚成出賣,豪自首後被捕入獄三年,譚成則逃回香港並取代豪成為新的黑幫老大。為使子豪不泄密,台灣黑幫來綁架宋父(田豐 飾),在打鬥中,宋父喪生。接著Mark在台灣「楓林閣」酒家內為子豪報仇時中槍成了跛子,從此在幫會地位一落千丈,並且被通緝。子傑得知兄長所為,知道了父親的死是子豪間接所害,非常痛心,發誓要剷除惡徒。子豪出獄後決心退隱,重新做人,但沒有取得子傑的諒解。鍾柔出面調解兄弟關係,不想子傑無法走出子豪害死父親的陰影,但反使傑對豪怨恨更增。偽鈔集團和譚成在出賣子豪等人後漸漸掌握實權,作賊心虛,為除後患,決定把子豪和Mark趕盡殺絕。Mark奪走幫會的電腦磁帶,向譚成宣戰,危急關頭子豪現身相助;譚成表面妥協,暗中欲以加害。子傑一心要捉拿哥哥子豪,最終被Mark的勸告和手足情義感動,加入戰團,槍戰中,Mark因力勸子豪兩兄弟和好而遭譚成暗算而中彈身亡。過後,子豪及子傑合作與譚成對抗,但子豪的子彈已用盡。這時,子傑把自己的槍枝遞給子豪,子豪朝譚成連開數槍,譚成終中彈身亡。最後,子豪從子傑腰間取出手銬,戴上手銬。兄弟兩人冰釋前嫌,雙雙走向警察。 【主 演】 : 狄龍 周潤發 張國榮
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2130 0City Hunter (1993) – 城市獵人 Paris Holiday – 巴黎假期 Description: Cheung Choi-san (Andy Lau) is a superintendent of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau (EOD). Seven years ago, he went undercover and became the undercover protege to Hung Kai-pang (Jiang Wu), nicknamed
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