Cinderella and Four Knights – 신데렐라와 네 명의 기사

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August 9, 2016
Cinderella and Four Knights - 신데렐라와 네 명의 기사 - Episode 01 (English subtitles)
Reply 1988 (Cantonese) - 回答吧!1988


Description: Eun Ha-won (Park So-dam) is a high school student who dreams to be a teacher, but she needs money for her education. One day, she helps a mysterious old man. Later on, She ends up living in a mansion, Sky House, with three third-generation chaebol cousins under some conditions.

Kang Hyun-min (Ahn Jae-hyun) is a playboy plutocrat who does whatever he wants while Kang Ji-woon (Jung Il-woo) is soft hearted but lonely and wild-child rebel who rises in status to a member of the royal family in the Sky House. The third cousin, Kang Seo-woo (Lee Jung-shin), is a top singer-songwriter who is gentle and kind to Ha-won. And finally Lee Yoon Sung (Choi Min) is Chairman’s secretary and their bodyguard.

Language: Korean
Country: Korea
Release Date: 12 August 2016
Director: Kwon Hyuk Chan, Lee Min Woo
Cast: Jung Il Woo, Ahn Jae Hyun, Park So Dam, Lee Jung Shin, Choi Min, Son Na Eun

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