C Drama

Dark Night and Dawn (2024) – 暗夜与黎明 (English subtitles)

2016 0

Description:It tells the story of the first generation of public security soldiers in Shanghai around 1950, who struggle against Chiang Kai-shek’s secret agents’ attempt to overthrow the New China. It revolves around two men teaming up: an intelligent young cop

Love of Nirvana (2024) – 流水迢迢 (English subtitles)

1533 0

Description:Xiao Wu Xia, the young lord of Yueluo City, endured the humiliation and lurked in Liang Kingdom for many years. He changed his name to Wei Zhao and suffered the infamy of being a sycophant. In order to find out

Go East (Cantonese)- 四方馆 (2024)

1440 0

Description: 该剧以雍国外交机构“四方馆”为背景,讲述身处这一片小小天地中的元莫(檀健次 饰)、阿术(周依然 饰)、王昆吾(杜淳 饰)、尉迟华(阚清子 饰)等四方志士胸怀理想,为家国和正义勇敢奔赴、砥砺前行的故事。 导演: 赵启辰 编剧: 李业茂 / 邱婷 主演: 檀健次 / 周依然 / 杜淳 / 阚清子 / 魏子昕 / 更多… 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 古装 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话

Wind Direction (2024) – 迎风的青春 (English subtitles)

1335 0

Description:17-year-old Cheng Miao Miao and her brother, 16-year-old Cheng Ya Ya, were born in the No. 1 Oil production plant of Linqi Oilfield. Three generations of their family are oilfield workers. Their father, Cheng Peng Fei, is an otolaryngologist, and

The First Shot (2024) – 雪迷宫 (English subtitles)

1856 0

Description:Tells the story of Halan in Northeast in 1997, before the establishment of the Narcotics Control Bureau. Faced with a sudden drug crisis, a makeshift elite team is assembled, each with their own strengths but clueless about the new drug…

We All Lie (2024) – 婚姻攻略 (English subtitles)

2037 0

Description: Su Li, a well-known screenwriter, thinks she has a wonderful husband and a wonderful marriage. However, she gets an anonymous message telling her that Zhang Shu Heng has been cheating on her, with her best friend no less! After

Adventure behind the Bronze Door (2024) – 藏海花 (English subtitles)

2078 0

Description: The story takes place five years after the main series ended. After Wu Xie found a painting of a young man in the post office at Medog County and returned from Nepal, his peaceful life was interrupted again by

Go East (2024) – 四方馆 (English subtitles)

2130 0

Description: The story of four determined individuals – Yuan Mo, A Shu, Wang Kun Wu, and Yu Chi Hua – who, driven by ideals, bravely embark on a journey for their nation and justice. During the peaceful years of the

The Whole Truth (2024) – 真相背后 (English subtitles)

2471 0

Description: Late one night, in the old town of a coastal city, a mysterious murder took place. Guan Jingtang, a locally well-known and respected elder, was brutally killed in his villa. Detective Captain An Ping was urgently assigned to the

Shining Just For You (Cantonese) – 逢週一至五更新

1729 0

Description: 奇幻古裝劇《星河長明》,講述草原少女葉凌霜(彭小苒飾)因能預知災禍被族人視為災星,唯有夜北公主七海蕊(劉夢芮飾)待她親如姐妹。夜北自不量力向大晁開戰,兵敗將亡,葉凌霜亦被當成女俘沒入教坊司,但她沒有屈服,憑藉着自己的星算天賦入欽天監為官,一步步走入鐵血帝王彧修明(馮紹峯飾)的內心,可就在兩人情誼漸篤之時,葉凌霜得知了七海蕊的死訊,與彧修明決裂。葉凌霜為救回七海蕊矢志不渝、逆轉時光,回到了昔日的夜北,她能否改變已經發生的這一切呢?她與彧修明的感情又該何去何從。 類型: 古裝, 愛情, 科幻, 劇情. 演員: 馮紹峯, 彭小苒, 朱正廷, 程小蒙, 金澤灝. 年份: 2022.

For the Young Ones (2024) – 九部的检察官 (English subtitles)

2401 0

Description: The newly appointed Director of the Juvenile Prosecution Department, Lei Xu (played by Zhang Yi), along with juvenile prosecutor Du Ziyu (played by Qin Lan), clerk Yang Tian (played by Xu Fan), and bailiff Xu Zhangli (played by Wang

In Blossom (Cantonese) – 花間令

2222 0

Description: 禾阳罪恶之城,掷果盈车的潘樾(刘学义 饰)迎娶人人厌弃的杨采薇,大婚当日,杨采薇被杀,疑凶竟是潘樾。“死而复生”的杨采薇(鞠婧祎 饰)假借“恶女”上官芷的身份“凶悍”归来,势要揭露潘樾的真面目。在勇斗恶势力“四大宗族”,查明桩桩旧案的过程中,两颗心再次靠近,杨采薇发现杀害自己的真凶另有其人,潘樾自始至终都深爱着她。一切即将圆满,幕后之人却再次设局,要将二人推向万劫不复。 导演: 钟青 编剧: 于海林 / 钟静 主演: 鞠婧祎 / 刘学义 / 吴佳怡 / 李歌洋 / 郑合惠子 / 更多… 类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 悬疑 / 古装 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话

You Are My Secret (2024) – 私藏浪漫 (English subtitles)

1402 0

Description: The lobby manager, Tu Xiao Ning, who works on the first floor of Huayuan Tower, is in a crucial period of probation. Ji Yu Heng, a talented young man working on the seventeenth floor of the tower, is a

The Legend of Heroes 2024 (Cantonese) – 射鵰英雄傳之鐵血丹心

1382 0

Description: 南宋末年,金兵入侵,朝廷奸臣当道,郭啸天、杨铁心两家平民义士为金兵所害,家破人亡。全真教道士丘处机与江湖义士江南七怪定下赌约:分别寻找杨、郭后人并传授他们武功,于十八年后在醉仙楼比试高低。郭靖、杨康分别在江南七怪与丘处机的教养下长大成人。 18年后,郭靖奉师命南下比武,与“东邪”黄药师之女黄蓉彼此倾心,但两人的情感却一波三折。另一边,杨康贪恋富贵,认金人作父。一场无心的比武招亲,令他与父亲杨铁心义女穆念慈有情相恋,却执迷不悟,三番四次加害江湖义士,助金人夺取《武穆遗书》。 郭靖随黄蓉行万里路,遍识天下武林高人,武功日见提升。昔日纯朴憨厚、木讷愚钝的挽弓少年也长成顶天立地的男儿,毅然扛起破碎山河…… 本剧改编自金庸小说《射雕英雄传》。 导演: 杨磊 编剧: 罗仪威 主演: 此沙 / 包上恩 / 王弘毅 / 黄羿 / 周一围 / 更多… 类型: 剧情 / 武侠 / 古装 集数: 30 单集片长: 45分钟 又名: 铁血丹心 / 金庸武侠世界 / 新射雕英雄传 / The Legend

Are You the One (2024) – 柳舟记 (English subtitles)

1531 0

Description: The clever and decisive Liu Mian Tang, as the first lord of Yang Shan, led the people of Yang Shan to punish the wicked, promote goodness, and uphold justice. However, she suffered serious injuries under the attack of various

A Lonely Hero’s Journey (2024) – 孤舟 (English subtitles)

2084 0

Description: Gu Yi Zhong, the young master of the famous Gu Family in Suzhou, graduated from the architecture department of a famous foreign university. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Gu Yi Zhong insisted on staying in Suzhou,

The Unexpected Marriage (2024) – 拂玉鞍 (English subtitles)

1685 0

Description: Princess Liu Chang Sheng from the Fu Yu Kingdom has the label of “husband-killer” attached to her name. As she reaches the age of marriage, she worries about finding a suitable husband. The Emperor intends to send her to

As Husband as Wife (2024) – 小夫妻 (English subtitles)

1381 0

Description: Zhou Quan submitted his resignation to his employer with great enthusiasm. It just so happened that his wife Che Li’s public account became famous overnight, and she was pushed to the position of entrepreneur. Zhou Quan happily accepted a

Love’s Rebellion (2024) – 四海重明 (English subtitles)

2313 0

Description: It tells the story of a young girl named Nan Yan who enters the world of immortals to save her mother and accidentally forms a fateful bond with a “heart lock.” The story revolves around Nan Yan, a skilled

Snowfall (2024) – 冰雪谣 (English subtitles)

2362 0

Description: During the Republic Era of China, Shen Zhi Heng, a famous vampire who lived for hundreds of years, was almost assassinated by a group of masked soldiers and was saved by the blind girl Mi Lan and his friend,

Go! Beach Volleyball Girls (2024) – 燃!沙排少女 (English subtitles)

1647 0

Description: Eighteen year old genius volleyball player, Chen Wei Lan, receives a heavy blow after failing to qualify for the national youth team. After a quarrel with her mother, she returns to her home village and enrolls in the local

The Best Day of My Life (2024) – 遇见你的那天 (English subtitles)

1664 0

Description: Xu Mu, a planner at Shangxin Advertising Company, has just failed at her sixth blind date. But in her words, finding a partner is not like buying things. It is inevitable to be materialistic when looking at conditions alone.