Bromance (Cantonese) – 愛上哥們

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July 20, 2016
Bromance (Cantonese) - 愛上哥們 - Episode 01
Marry Me, or Not? (Cantonese) - 必娶女人


Description: Pi Ya Nuo (Megan Lai) had an inauspicious start to her life, and awaits her 26th birthday. When she was born 25 years ago, her parents and extended family and their fortune teller, eagerly awaited her arrival in the delivery room so that they could bless the beginning of the Pi family’s heir.

Upon hearing her first cry, the fortune teller predicted on the spot that the baby boy would grow up to be a great success and a natural-born leader. But when the nurses announced that the baby was a girl, the stunned fortune teller immediately announced that the girl would not survive her childhood unless she lived as a boy for the first 25 years of her life. Only then could Ya Nuo change her bad fate and bring prosperity to her family.

On her 26th birthday, Ya Nuo could go back to her true gender without any repercussions. Doomed to live her life as a boy, Ya Nuo was shy and always tried to keep her distance to people to hide her true identity, and the mysterious aloofness made her irresistible to the girls around her. One day, she accidentally helped out Du Zi Feng (Baron Chen), who happened to be a triad leader, and his sister, Du Zi Han (Mandy Tao). While Zi Han fell in love with Ya Nuo, Zi Feng became Ya Nuo’s “sworn brother” and best friend. With her 26th birthday fast approaching, will Ya Nuo find her much-anticipated return to being a female will be as easy as she had hoped?

Language: Cantonese
Country: Taiwan
Release Date: 19 July 2016 (J2)
Director: Chen Rong Hui
Cast: Baron Chen, Megan Lai, Bii, Sean Lee, Yuan Chen

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