Breakout Brothers 2020 – 逃獄兄弟
Description:The prison has been led by two powerful prisoners, who are triad leader Roller (Patrick Tam) and life imprisoned inmate Scar (Justin Cheung). The steady life in prison changes with the arrival of wrongly accused inmate Mak Kin-tin (Adam Pak).
First, Kin-tin was constantly being threatened by Scar, which led Kin-tin to give up on his appeal request and was later bullied by other inmates when they found out he was involved with Roller’s daughter. In order to protect his life, Kin-tin takes the suggestion of his cellmate, Ho-ching (Louis Cheung), and they work together to plan a precise escape from prison.
In order to avoid the strict supervision of Warden Tang (Kenny Wong), Ho-ching persuades Roller to help them but Scar also discovers the plan and reluctantly joins. As a result, these four inmates put aside past rivalry and work together to breakout of prison.
Director:Mak Ho-pong
Cast:Patrick Tam,Louis Cheung,Adam Pak,Justin Cheung
Breakout Brothers 2020 - 逃獄兄弟 Movie
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