Bounty Lady – My盛Lady

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December 18, 2018
Best Bet - 迎妻接福
The Building Blocks Of Life - 建築有情天

Description: Leading Public Affairs Expert HEUNG KWONG-NAM (Dayo Wong), a renowned savior of the bachelorettes in town, often helps his single female clients have a happy marriage by using unexpected methods, yet he himself remains single and is satisfied with short-term relationships.

Newly joined Account Officer SING FA-LUI (Kate Tsui) misconceives that KWONG-NAM, his elder brother HEUNG SIN-NAM (Hui Siu Hung), co-worker TUNG TIN-KIU (Louis Yuen) and BUT FAN-KEUNG (Jazz Lam), who are also known as super senior, indulge themselves in having fun and partying all night.  Despising what KWONG-NAM has done, she expressly reprimands him for being such a bad guy and courting women by taking advantage of his job.  Meanwhile, seeing that KWONG-NAM makes his subordinate YUEN HUEN (Sharon Chan) popular as an internet singer so as to pursue her.   YUEN HUEN’s aunt YUEN SUM (Elena Kong) also hates his guts, frequently criticizing KWONG-NAM in her column.  However, KWONG-NAM makes light of it and continues in his own way until his ex-girlfriend emerges.  As such, the relationship between them turns upside down dramatically, triggering a fierce battle between the Hong Kong Guys and Girls that is never seen before……
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 25 November 2013
Cast: Dayo Wong, Kate Tsui, Sharon Chan, Louis Yuen, Hui Siu Hung, Elena Kong, Samantha Ko, Sammy Sum
Genre: Comedy

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