BIG MAN – 빅맨

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April 29, 2014
BIG MAN – 빅맨 - Episode 01 (English Subtitle)


There is a world only for the rich and privileged. There, the laws and principles are different from a normal society. In this corrupted world, people needed a superman. This superman is not your typical superman. He does not fly or defeats evil spirits with superpower. Rather he is born as an orphan and has lived a life of being treated with contempt. He has no family or educational background. Although he seems like nothing much, he is relatable. Then, he meets a woman. She came to kill him but he falls in love with her. She brings out a real superhero in him. Then the miracles start to happen.
A drama about a man named Kim Ji Hyuk (Kang Ji Hwan), living a third-rated life gets involved in plan to save Kang Dong Suk (Choi Daniel), a rich family’s only son who needs a heart transplant. Kim Ji Hyuk gets a new life as the eldest son of the rich family but realizes later that it was all a plan and faces the irregularity of the world.
In the process of changing his life, Kim Ji Hyuk meets So Mi Ra (Lee Da Hee), his destiny. She is Kang Dong Suk’s girlfriend and is well aware of that Ji Hyuk is adopted for Dong Suk’s heart transplant and even tries to kill him. Then, Mi Ra starts to open her mind to Ji Hyuk who is ignorant, but also considerate. Mira who has only cared about Kang Dong Suk is looking at someone else. However, Dong Suk cannot give up Mi Ra for Ji Hyuk.

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