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V Kids – 細路義工隊 Bazaar Carnivals 3 – 街市遊樂團3 Description: 有班肥佬只不過多咗少少嘢,就少咗好多機會約會,連踢波嘅聚會都無人叫佢。於是,某一天,因緣際會,呢一班肥佬組成一隊波,大家為咗一個目標,三個月裡面改頭換面,由攤晌梳化變咗瞓球場,減肥為名識朋友先係真,作戰過程有血有汗有笑有淚,最後大家都揾返久違咗嘅身型同青春。 Production company(s): ViuTV Country: Hong Kong

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