Best Selling Secrets – 同事三分親

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September 10, 2020
Best Selling Secrets - 同事三分親 - Episode 01
When Lanes Merge - 情越雙白線

Description: Stunning performance by Kwan Wing Ho after six years First TV drama by award-winning supporting actress Elaine Jin Mother and son close like friends Office politics that never end, There are fights, but also care WONG KA-LAM (KWAN WING HO, ESTHER), who returns from overseas, comes to know Taichi master, NG HANG (ELAINE JIN) and her grandson LUK CHIT (CHOI KAY CHUN) by chance. LAM has trouble getting along with HANG, but she is on very good terms with CHIT, who is eighteen years younger than her. She even joins the advertising firm where he works and becomes his colleague. LAM’s talent is recognised by the firm’s vice president, YIN WAI-SHUN (WONG, GEOFF), and is promoted within a very short time. This arouses jealousy and hostility from her colleague, the wicked TAI ON NA (KONG YAN YIN). The firm then becomes a battlefield for LAM and NA, who fight and compete incessantly. Meanwhile, HANG is uncomfortable with LAM becoming CHIT’s


Genre:Modern Sitcom
Times:364 Episodes
Release Date:12 March 2007
Production company(s):TVB
Cast:Esther Kwan, Elaine Jin, Alvina Kong, Vin Choi, Gregory Wong, Yoyo Chen, Stephen Au, Bill Chan, Wayne Lai

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