Beautiful Mind – 뷰티풀 마인드

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June 20, 2016
Beautiful Mind - 뷰티풀 마인드 - Episode 01 (English subtitles)
Ex-Girlfriends' Club (Cantonese) - 前女友俱樂部


Description: This drama is loosely based on the novel “Frankenstein“ by Mary Shelley.

A medical mystery drama about a psychopath genius neurosurgeon. Kye Jin Sung (Park So Dam) is a detective in the violent crimes division. Meanwhile, Lee Young Oh (Jang Hyuk)is a male cardiothoracic surgeon who becomes a new assistant professor at the hospital. The drama promises to shed the usual medical proceduralframework and will tell a mysterious story about “someone who kills, someone who saves, someone who chases, and someone who’s chased.

Language: Korean
Country: Korea
Times: 16 Episodes
Release Date: 20 June 2016
Director: Mo Wan Il
Cast: Jang Hyuk, Park So Dam, Yoon Hyun Min, Park Se Young, Min Sung Wook

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