Be Your Own Light (2023) – 做自己的光 (English subtitles)

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July 15, 2023
Be Your Own Light (2023) - 做自己的光 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Imperfect Victim (2023) - 不完美受害人 (English subtitles)

Description: He Huan has had to deal with a lot of things such as her husband fleeing and leaving her with huge debts, setbacks in her career, and her mother falling seriously ill. Through the encouragement of friends, He Huan remains tenacious in her attempt to starts over. Relying on her wisdom and sincerity, He Huan begins to overcome the difficulties in helping her mother seek treatment as well as the creditors relentlessly chasing her for money; with her persistence and pure intentions, she quickly climbs the ranks from a hotline operator to a show’s host, thus returning to her peak of her life and becoming her own light. After realizing her personal goals, He Huan and her colleagues actively explore the potentials for transforming traditional media. With the help of influencer Jiang Jun Hao, He Huan joins the tide of the times and participates in forming integrated media for TV stations. While her career starts to become smooth-sailing, she is faced with a new choice emotionally. Her husband’s selfishness and ruthlessness has led He Huan to become an independent person. Meanwhile, her relationship with Jiang Jun Hao has gone through many phases as they move towards a relationship of appreciation and mutual understanding.

Country: China

Director: Yu Ding

Actors: Chai Bi YunLiu TaoLiu Yu NingQin Hai Lu

Genres: Life, Romance

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