Battle Through The Heaven (2023) – 斗破苍穹之少年归来 (English subtitles)

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December 8, 2023
Battle Through The Heaven (2023) - 斗破苍穹之少年归来 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
A League of Nobleman (Cantonese) - 君子盟

Description: It follows the story of the hot-blooded youth Xiao Yan. Having completing his three-year promise with Nalan Yanran, the Xiao family is suddenly attacked and his father Xiao Zhan is taken captive. To save his father and restore the glory of the Xiao family, Xiao Yan heeds the advice of Master Yao Chen and returns to Jianan Academy as he is determined to further his cultivation in order to gain the ability to fight against Yunlan Sect. Back at the academy, Xiao Yan is not only reunited with his childhood sweetheart Xiao Xun Er, but also meets the mysterious Zi Yan and other friends.

Country: China

Director: Yang Zhen Yu

Actors: Ding XiaoyingGu YuhanHe LuoluoHsin-chih ChiuLin Yo-WeiLu YuxiaoWang XiuzhuXue BayiZhang Gong

Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Wuxia, Youth

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