Battle of the throne on fire – 夏日有團伙 擊戰一場 – Episode 01
List Episodes: Battle of the throne on fire - 夏日有團伙 擊戰一場
Battle of the throne on fire - 夏日有團伙 擊戰一場
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Battle of the throne on fire – 夏日有團伙 擊戰一場
1953 0Be ON Game Season 3 – 膠戰S3 Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2023: A Beautiful Encounter – 2023香港小姐競選 終極面試 Description:承接香港首個打鼓比賽真人 show 《撃戰》之熱血,也適逢激情指數同樣爆燈的東京奧運即將舉行,ViuTV 召集《撃戰》原班人馬,crossover 本地樂壇精銳之師,合力演出《夏日有團伙 擊戰一場》,令你以血脈沸騰之狀態,迎接國際體壇盛事! Production company(s): ViuTv Country: Hong Kong