Awfully Lawful – 熟男有惑

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December 8, 2020
Awfully Lawful - 熟男有惑 - Episode 01
Never Dance Alone - 女人俱樂部

awfully-lawful-posterDescription: SHING MING (Raymond Cho) and JAZZ NAM (Pal Sinn) are both partners of a law firm, and they recruit LO SO (Kwok Chun On) and YU DOR-CHUN (Johnson Lee) as lawyers to work for them.

Though the four have distinct personalities, they have a deep-seated bond between each other.   With their names becoming well-known across the industry as Top 4 mature men demonstrating distinctive images, each claims victory in lawsuits by any means necessary, winning admiration and support from most of their female clients.  Unfortunately, someone embezzles public funds and puts the law firm in a crisis.  Four new female lawyers from different backgrounds join the law firm, developing a world-shaking change within the firm.  They are LO SO’s archrival KU KA-YING (Sharon Chan), DOR-CHUN’s wealthy wife CHUNG LAI-SA (Selena Li), housewife KU KA-TING (Joyce Tang) on behalf of her husband, and Barrister YAU MAT (Grace Wong), who gets entangled with both JAZZ and DOR-CHUN.  While their tumultuous workplace and personal relationships  have worsened, they find out someone is manipulating from within the law firm……
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 17 June 2013
Cast: Roger Kwok, Johnson Lee, Sharon Chan, Selena Li, Grace Wong, Pal Sinn, Raymond Cho, Joyce Tang
Genre: Comedy

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