Armed Reaction II – 陀槍師姐 II

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December 31, 2018
Armed Reaction III - 陀槍師姐 III
Armed Reaction - 陀槍師姐


Description: The story takes place a few years from the first series.

Chu So Ngo (Esther Kwan) has been promoted to sergeant rank in the police but she encounters professional setbacks due to her new responsibilities. She depending on fellow cop Chan Siu Sang (Bobby Au-Yeung) who is now her boyfriend for support and a secure future,and hopes for him to get promoted soon. The two have plans for getting married. The added pressure of waiting for an promotion and So Ngo depending on him gets to Siu Sang, and he finds some breathing room with Sum Yeo (Eileen Yeow), his beautiful neighbor next door who he sees as a platonic friend. When So Ngo finds out that she can not have any more children and rethinks if she and Siu Sang should really get married. With all the added pressure in their relationship, both decide to breakup. Siu Sang finds relief in his next door neighbor Sum Yeo, who he dates briefly and get married to right away. While So Ngo starts a relationship with taxi driver Yeung Kwong Chiu (Eddie Cheung), who thinks she looks like his died wife.

Sam Yuen (Joyce Tang) and Ching Fung (Marco Ngai) are also experiencing difficulties in their new marriage when San Yuan is transferred to the Special Police Unit and concentrates more on her career then family, leaving Ching Fung alone at home. Feeling neglected by his wife Fung turns to drinking problem which leads to a one-night stand with a stranger. With their marriage in jeopardy Sam Yuen further buries herself in her in her career putting all her concentration in her current case regarding a serial psycho sex offender taxi driver wanted by the cops. But when Sam Yuen gets in trouble when she becomes the psycho sex offender’s next victim, Ching Fung is there for her to help her heal.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 32 Episodes
Release Date: 2000
Cast: Bobby Au Yeung, Esther Kwan, Joyce Tang, Marco Ngai

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