Always and Ever – 情逆三世緣

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February 6, 2022
Always and Ever - 情逆三世緣 - Episode 01
Freedom Memories - 青春不要臉

Description: Due to a heartrending vow, YUEN KAM-CHEONG (Bobby Au Yeung), an Inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau, has mistakenly killed his girlfriend YEUNG TSIK-SUET (Esther Kwan).

Being so grief-stricken, KAM-CHEONG has an out-of-body experience, travelling back in time to the Song Dynasty.    Having attached his soul to BAO ZHENG (Bobby Au Yeung), the magistrate of Song’s capital Kaifeng, he is shocked to see HON SEUNG-SEUNG (Esther Kwan), who looks just like TSIK-SUET, right in front of his eyes.   According to BAO ZHENG’s investigation,  SEUNG-SEUNG was actually a princess, but was instead framed by a villain, KO KAI-ON (Ben Wong).  Shedding his tears, BAO ZHENG is forced to execute SEUNG-SEUNG, triggering his soul to once again float out of his body to the 1950s, when he becomes an all-powerful inspector WAH LUNG-BIU (Bobby Au Yeung).  As predestined, he believes he will re-encounter TSIK-SUET, yet TIN TSAU-FUNG (Esther Kwan), who is standing in front of him, does not recall him at all.  On the contrary, she thinks he is the one who killed her husband.   In order to change his fate, LUNG-BIU continuously verifies the truth.  Unexpectedly, he learns that a dancer, LAM YIM-FONG (Rebecca Zhu) and her boyfriend YUEN KWAI (Pierre Ngo), are his biological parents.  Moreover, TIN TSAU-FUNG’s younger sister TIN TSAU-NGAN (Mandy Wong) turns out to be manipulating the whole plot.  Tragedy recurs when LUNG-BIU accidentally kills TSAU-FUNG again.  With KAM-CHEONG’s soul returning to the modern era, he is determined to ferret out the one who has cast the spell on him in the cycle of reincarnation so as to protect TSIK-SUET as well as to escape from the curse.  However, to his surprise, it is him initiating all these tragedies…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 31 Episodes
Release Date: 12 August 2013
Cast: Bobby Au Yeung, Esther Kwan, Pierre Ngo, Ben Wong, Mandy Wong, Rebecca Zhu, Derek Kwok, Cheung Kwok Keung
Genre: Romance

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