Alice – 앨리스 (English subtitles)

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August 28, 2020
Alice - 앨리스 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Possessed (Cantonese) - 附身

Description: While investigating a mysterious case, a stoic police detective discovers the existence of time travelers from the future visiting the present though a strange hotel called ‘Alice’. The detective tries to prevent negative things happening through ‘Alice’, but ends up encountering a version of his dead girlfriend, a brilliant physicist whoseems to hold the key to time travel.

Genre:Fantasy, Romance
Times:32 Episodes
Release Date:28 August 2020
Production company(s):SBS
Director:Baek Soo Chan
Cast:Kim Hee Sun, Joo Won, Kwak Shi Yang, Lee Da In, Kim Sang Ho, Choi Won Young

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