A Time of Love – 愛情來的時候

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July 20, 2021
A Time of Love – 愛情來的時候 - Episode 01
Lord of Shanghai - 梟雄

Overview: In celebration for this year’s Lunar New Year holidays and Valentine’s Day, TVB will premiere a series of four mini-television movies at the end of the month


“A Time of Love” – Malaysia

The first of the four mini-films, the film’s Malaysian segment stars Taiwanese actors Chris Wang (宥勝), James Wen (温昇豪), and Hong Kong actress Kate Tsui (徐子珊). Set in Malaysia, the movie begins with Ling Shan (Kate Tsui) suffering from amnesia after going through a vicious car accident. Though she forgets her family and loved ones, the only person Shan remembers is Shing (Chris Wang), who loses mobility in one of his legs while trying to save her. Feeling guilty and developing a deep admiration for Shing, Shan falls deeply in love with Shing and moves in with him.

As Shan and Shing prepare for their marriage, Shan meets Ho, who claims to be her former boyfriend. Ho brings her to various places around the city to spark her memory, and Shan begins to feel a sense of familiarity.

“A Time of Love” – Japan

Starring Hong Kong actor Wong Cho Lam (王祖藍), Taiwanese actor Aaron Yan (炎亞綸), and Japanese actress Naomi Watanabe (渡邊直美), the Japanese segment of the film is a comedic tale of a curious matchmaker (Wong Cho Lam) who attempts to match up Aaron and Naomi’s characters.

“A Time of Love” – Korea

Starring South Korea’s Yeon Jung Hoon (延政勳) and Hong Kong’s Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), the Korean segment tells the story of the professional Korean illustrator King (Yeong Jung Hoon), who also works as a part-time Korean-language teacher for foreigners. Wanting to spend a life with her boyfriend in Korea, flamboyant and spoiled Hong Kong girl Linda (Linda Chung) hires King as her Korean teacher. With their opposite personalities, King initially dislikes Linda, but for the sake of his job, he learns to cope with her.

As the days go by, King begins to see a new, more likable side of Linda and slowly begins to fall in love with her. However, he also discovers a terrifying secret about her boyfriend, and he is at odds with himself over it.

“A Time of Love” – Singapore

The last segment stars Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) and Kenneth Ma (馬國明) as a pair of non-typical lovers. The career-minded Charmaine hires her subordinate, Kenneth, as her temporary partner so she can use him to trash her ex-boyfriend’s wedding. To Charmaine’s surprise, Kenneth ends up falling in love with her.

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