A Taste of Bachelorhood – 鑽石王老五

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February 4, 2019
Happy Ever After - 金玉滿堂
The Legend of Hao Lan (Cantonese) - 皓鑭傳

Description: Return to the 80s with the 1986 TVB drama A Taste of Bachelorhood. This lighthearted, youth-oriented drama features television stars of the day like Lawrence Ng, Teresa Mo, Yammie Nam, Francis Ng, Prudence Lau, and Sheung Tin Ngo. Lawrence Ng, who was back then known for his bad guy roles, made something of a breakthrough in this drama for playing the good guy for once. He stars as the titular bachelor, who gets caught between two girls with very different personalities.

Humorous and heartwarming, the 20-episode A Taste of Bachelorhood was very popular during its broadcast, thanks to its down-to-earth story which connected with younger viewers. The drama captured the younger generation’s perspective towards romance in the 1980s, and the dated ambience only adds to its nostalgic appeal and entertainment value now. Television fans are also bound to remember the drama’s theme song, Danny Chan’s classic “Devoted Heart in Your Eyes”.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1986
Cast: Lawrence Ng, Teresa Mo, Yammie Nam, Francis Ng, Kiki Shueng

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