A Smiling Ghost Story – 衝上人間

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February 21, 2019
Scavenger's Paradise - 同撈同煲
Life for Life - 命轉情真

Description: YI (CHEUNG HO YEE, MAGGIE) ’s lively, helpful and cheerful disposition makes her so endearing. One day, she carelessly gets an electric shock while trying to rescue a person. Even though MING (KWOK CHUN ON), a man around then, has given her prompt first aid treatment on site, her life is not spared. The spirit of YI is happy to find that she has precedence in reincarnation. Being curious, she checks the registers of births and deaths kept in hell and discovers that her parents in the other life will be her own cousin YING (CHAN FAT YUNG, MONICA) and a guy named LUNG (CHEUNG KA FAI). However the thing is, YING and LUNG stay deadly enemies at the moment. To make it right, YI tries to reconcile them by all means. She even seeks help from BO (LAMB JERRY), the nurse of a number of spirits, and MING, the one who gave her artificial respiration when she was dying. With the help of YI and MING, LUNG and YING fall in love and get married eventually. They start their own business and it is doing briskly well. Daily YI and MING are coming to know each other better and time nurtures their feelings of love and passion. When gets aware of that, MING’s girlfriend, MAY (YUEN CHOI WAN, FIONA), bursts into anger and has thought of all possible ways to exorcise YI….
麵店店員林家宜(張可頤飾)為人開朗活潑,常愛助人,深得人喜愛。但一次意外,家宜因救人竟觸電死亡,雖得在場的銀行主任古德明(郭晉安飾)即時搶救及施以人工呼吸,惜仍返魂無術。家宜到陰間得優先投胎權,好奇下翻查名冊,竟發現來世的父母是其表姐文少英(陳法蓉飾)和方志龍(張家輝飾),但少英與志龍卻是鬥氣冤家,為撮合二人,家宜不惜向鬼褓姆周小波(林曉峰飾)及死前曾和她通了氣的德明求助。 志龍、少英在德明及家宜暗中安排下,終化敵為愛,走進教堂,更成功創業,生意興隆。德明跟家宜相處日久,竟動了真情。二人譜出竹鬼戀,卻被德明拍拖多年的女友趙淑美(袁彩雲飾)揭發,一怒下設計欲把女鬼家宜驅走。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1999
Cast: Maggie Cheung, Roger Kwok, Nick Cheung, Monica Chan, Fiona Yuen, Joe Ma

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